You people at this time won’t listen no matter what I say because you don’t want to hear. You wouldn’t listen to John because you said he wouldn’t eat and drink with you and because he had a bad spirit of the devil in him, and you won’t listen to Me because you say I eat too much and drink too much and am a friend to bad ones.
Then a man was brought to Jesus who had a bad spirit living in him who couldn’t see or talk. Jesus healed the man and then he could see and talk. The people were all amazed and said, Isn’t this the promised One we’ve been waiting for. When the leaders heard the people saying this they said, He is throwing out the bad ones from people by the prince of the bad ones.
But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said, Every kingdom that is split, falls apart and a family that is always fighting falls can’t stand together. If the prince of the bad ones is split in himself, how can his kingdom last? If I am throwing the bad ones out of people by the bad one, then who is helping your kids throw them out?
O, you bunch of snakes, how can you, being so bad, say good things? Because what you think in your heart is what comes out of your mouth. When the time comes to judge, you will have to stand in front of Me and tell why you said every word that wasn’t right. You will be looked at by the words that you say out of your mouth.
Then some of the leaders said, Show us a sign that you are the One God ent to save us. But Jesus told them, a bunch of bad ones always wants to see a sign, but the only sign you will get is the sign of Jonah. Like Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the tummy of the fish, just like that the Son of man will be inside the heart of the world for 3 days and 3 nights.
Men from Nineveh will get up when the judgment time comes and show how bad you are because they turned back to the Lord God when they heard the words of God that Jonah told them. And a greater One than Jonah is here. The One who made Jonah and everything is here. The queen of the south will come and show how bad you are because she came from the end of the world to hear the wise words from the Lord that Solomon told.
While Jesus was talking to these leaders, his mother and brothers were standing outside. They told Jesus, Your mother and brothers are outside and want to talk to you. Jesus said, Who is My mother? and Who are My brothers? The ones who do what My Father in heaven wants, these are My brother and sister and mother.