At midnight when the man they were going to marry came to get them, the smart ones got ready and went out, but the silly ones were out of oil for their lamps and said, Give us some of your oil so we can see and go out to meet Him. But the wise ones said, No, if we give you our oil then we won’t have enough, so you go and buy some oil.
While they were gone the man came and the wise ones went into the marriage but the silly ones were gone. When they came back the door was shut and they said, Lord, Lord, Open the door for us. But the bridegroom said, I don’t know who you are. And they couldn’t go into the marriage. So always be watching because you don’t know when the promised One is coming back.
Then the one who had been given one bag of money said, I knew you were a hard man taking what isn’t yours so I was scared and hid your money and here it is now. The lord told him, You bad and lazy worker. You should have put the money I gave you into the bank where the bank workers would turn it into more so it would have got bigger.
Take the bag of money from him and give it to the one who has ten bags because more will be given to the ones who use what I gave them and they will have lots and lots. But the ones who don’t use what I give them, even that will be taken from them and they will be thrown away with the bad ones into the dark where they will cry a lot and mash their teeth together.
When the special promised one comes back in all his shiny brightness with all His special angels and sits on the throne of his shiny brightness He will gather all the countries together and separate the sheep from the goats. And He will put the sheep on His right side and the goats on His left side.
The King will say to the ones on the right side, Come you ones My Father makes very happy and get the kingdom My Father made for you before He made the world, because you gave me food to eat when I was hungry and you gave me water to drink when I was thirsty and took me to stay in your house when I didn’t have a place to stay and you gave me clothes to wear when I was naked and came to see me when I was in jail.
When Jesus was resting in a house a lady came and poured really nice perfume on His feet. One of His workers said, You should have sold this perfume for lots of money and gave the money to the poor ones. Jesus told him, Let her alone, She put good love on Me with this. Then the worker went to the leaders and planned to take the leaders to where Jesus was for 30 pieces of money.
Then they went up into a mountain garden where Jesus was really, really sad because He knew all the badness that the whole world ever did or would ever do was about to be put on Him and He would take the spanking from God for it all. He told His followers, watch and pray about this with Me. But they fell asleep.
When they got up to leave the garden, Jesus said, They are coming. I am given into the hands of the bad ones. And many people came with soldiers and swords to take Jesus to jail. The follower who sold him came up to Jesus and kissed Him because that was the sign he told the leaders, The one I kiss is Jesus.