The man told them, My friend, I am not doing you wrong. This morning you thought this was a good amount of money for working all day. Is it wrong for me to be kind to these other men who worked only a little while? Can’t I do what I want with my own money? Take your money and go home with what you earned. I will give these last ones the same as you.
When the other ten special helpers heard what the two brothers were asking they were mad, but Jesus told them, You know that the leaders of the countries of the world act like big stuff, being boss over everybody, but you are not supposed to be like them. Any of you who want to be great, be the little one and do the hard things, serve others well because I came down from heaven to serve and give My life to buy back everyone from the bad stuff, not to be the boss over everything.
The leaders thought about it and said, If we say men then the people will stone is because they think John was from God but if we say from God, then Jesus will ask us, why didn’t you believe him. So Jesus trapped them in their own words and they said, We can’t tell where John was from. Jesus told them, Then I won’t tell you who told Me to do these things.