Now I will sing to my most loved one a song about His vineyard, His field of
My most loved One has a vineyard on a hill very full of fruit.
He put a fence around it and took out all the rocks and planted the best grapevines there and
built a tower right in the middle of it.
And then He watched to see the grapes grow, but it grew only bad wild
Tell me what more I could have done to make it better?
So now I will break down the fence around it and let the wild animals come in and eat all
and I won’t let the clouds rain on it.
The vineyard of the Lord is the people of Israel and he waited for good things from them but they did only
So now it will be bad for them.
Bad things will happen when they get up early to drink wine
and make parties all day and all night.
But the Lord God is very, very high and special in doing what is right.
Then the little lambs will eat.
Bad things will happen to the ones who say that bad is good and good is bad; ones who think they
know everything; ones who take money to do the wrong thing.
A fire will burn them all up because they threw away the rules of the Lord of all the armies of
the angels of heaven and hated everything He said.
So He got mad and put out his hand to spank them and the hills started shaking. He will bring an
army with sharp arrows against the ones who do this.
They will roar like hungry young lions and no one will be able to help. Their roar will be as
loud as the ocean crashing against the cliffs.
Even the lights of the heaven will be dark.
The year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lifted up high in the heavens,
and the tail of His robe filled the whole temple.
Above it the seraphims were standing: each one had six wings. With two wings he covered his face
and with two other wings he covered his feet, and with the last two wings he flew.
The seraphims called out to each other, and said, Most Special, Most Special, Most Special is the
Lord of the armies of all the angels of heaven.
The whole world is full of His most special brightness.
The posts of the door were shaking at their words and the house was full of
Then I said, Awful, I am awful and say wrong things and so do all the other
My eyes have seen the King, the Most High King of over all everything
Then one of the seraphim’s flew to me with a burning coal he took from off the altar. He laid it
on my mouth and said, Now this touched your lips and your badness is taken away and you are clean.
Then I heard the Lord say, Who can I send? Who can we send to tell the people My
I said, Here I am, send me.
And so the Lord said, Go and tell this people. Listen, but you won’t understand so I can make you
Then I asked, For how long, Lord, how long won’t they understand?
He said, Until all the bad stuff is taken away and the land ruined.
But a little part of the people will come back and be very special and close to My