The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord said, Hear the words of My deal with you and tell
the men in Judah and Jerusalem, A bad thing on the ones who don’t hear what I say and do it.
So that I can give you the special land full of every good thing you can’t even
Tell everyone all over My country, Obey what I say.
But your fathers didn’t obey Me, but made a plan to follow the bad ways that their dad’s
But I will bring a trouble on them that they can’t escape. And when they cry out for Me to help
the, I won’t listen. Go cry to the bad ones you bow down to.
They do very, very bad stuff so don’t pray for them at all for Me to help them.
The Lord made you beautiful with the best, yummiest fruit but you burned it up with your
I saw all their bad stuff, said Jeremiah, and they plot to get rid of me from the world.
But You, O Lord, who are in control over everything always do the right
You clean the bad stuff out of the hearts. Let me see you get back at them for what they did to
You have always helped me.
They say, Don’t tell us stuff about the Lord at all and then we won’t kill
But the Lord says, I will spank them
and bring their bad stuff back on their own heads when it is the right time.
You are right, O Lord, but I want to ask you why when people do bad stuff good stuff happens to
You set them in the world and they grow strong and are full of good
You know all about Me, O Lord. You have seen me and made strong all the good things you put in My
How long will the land be sad about the badness? The birds and animals are having trouble
The Lord told Jeremiah, Do not believe the good words you hear from them because I have left My
house and My people to her enemies, the bad ones that she wanted instead of Me.
Many shepherds have ruined My vineyard and walked all over My people.
They took everything for themselves and made it all empty. There is trouble everywhere. None of
it will bring anything good to them.
And the countries around them that take their stuff, I will take them away like picking
Then, after that, I will be kind to them and bring them back to their
And if they will learn My ways and not talk about the bad ones, then I will build them again and
make them strong.