Get up! Your light is here and the special brightness of the Lord is on
Deep black darkness will be all over the world
But the Lord will shine on you and His special shiny brightness will be all over
The other nations will come to your special light.
Look around, all come together because the Lord will bring all good things to you from the sea
and the nations.
Many camels
and gold
and good smelling things and good flocks of animals with rams will come to you and be special
brightness and honor at My house, says the Lord.
The far away lands wait for Me.
They bring your sons from far away with gold and silver to the Lord because He has made you so
special in the world.
I was upset and spanked you
but now I will pour My special love all over you.
Your sons will build My city and make it most beautiful and its gates will always be
The countries of the world that won’t help and follow you will fall apart into
The best trees of the forest will be brought to make beautiful My house.
The sons that made trouble for you will come and bow down at your feet and you will be called the
city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.
They hated you but now they will love you and say you are the best place in the
I will make you to be a happy place for everyone for always.
And all the countries of the world will bring you their best stuff.
No one will ever be hurt here again and there won’t be any high taxes or high charges for stuff
but you will be called the place where we are saved from everything bad and the place where we
say all the very best words about the Lord.
The sun won’t go down anymore or the moon go away, but the Lord will be your very special light
that always shines and your very specialness of everything.
The days of your sadness will be over and gone forever.
Your people will all do the right stuff and the land will be theirs to keep
I will plant it and make it most special.
One person will turn into a thousand and a tiny one will be a strong