The Lord told Moses, Tell the children of Israel, When you come into the special land I give you, You will give the land a rest too. For six years plant crops and trim your vineyards, but on the seventh year, don’t plant or trim anything. It will grow lots of food for you and your people and animals and people from other countries to eat that year too.
If someone wants to give himself to me for a while let him bring the amount of pay that that times work would get. If someone wants to give something else to me for a while, like one of his animals or one of his fields, let him not change it or change his mind. If he changes his mind then let him add more to it.
God told Moses to have each family camp together behind their flag, far off but around His tent. The tents of the family of Levi were around God’s tent and then each family gathered their tents in order behind their own flag going to the East, the North, the South and the West. God told they where to camp.