The men were gone 40 days looking, from one end to the other of God’s special land, the best land on earth. They came back bringing huge heavy bunches of grapes and figs and pomegranates. They said, the land really does flow with milk and honey, and look at this fruit! But there are giants there, so tall that we look as small as grasshoppers. We won’t be able to go in there and take the land.
The Lord said, I have forgiven as you asked, but as sure as I live, the earth will be full of My glory. And these men who have seen what I can to and still don’t believe, I will never let them see My special land. Then the 10 men who didn’t believe God and turned away the peoples hearts to say bad things about God died right there in front of God. But Joshua and Caleb still lived.
Then God said to Moses, I will stop this fighting against you right now forever. Have each of the 12 families bring a staff to my tent with their family name written on it. And Moses put them in God’s tent before God for the night. The next morning the staff that had Aaron’s name on it had budded and grew almond flowers and almonds.