God said to Moses, Go to the king and tell him I said, Let My people go to serve me, not you.
If you won't let them go, I will fill all your whole land with frogs. They will be hopping on you and all around your houses
in your kitchen and in your food bowls and even in your bed.
The Lord told Moses to stretch out your hand with your staff over the rivers, streams, and ponds. And out came
the frogs until they were everywhere.
The kings helpers who followed the bad one did the same thing and made the trouble worse by making even more frogs. The
frogs that they thought had special powers were not helping but just making a mess everywhere.
Then the king called for Moses and Aaron and begged, Please ask the Lord to take away the frogs from me and my
people. I will let the people go to serve God in the wilderness. So Moses prayed and asked God to take away the frogs. And the frogs died and made the whole land stink.
When the king saw the trouble was over, he changed his mind and wouldn’t let God’s people go.
Then theLordsaidtoMoses,Tell Aaron tostretchouthisstaffandhittheground.Whenhediditthedustofthegroundturnedtolice,tinybugscrawlingeverywhereonpeopleandanimals.
The king’s men tried to do the same thing, but they couldn’t. This was where their power stopped. They said,
this is the finger of God. But the king turned his heart hard and he would not let God’s people go.
Then God the Lord who controls everything said to Moses, Get up early in the morning and go to the king when he
comes to the water and say, The Lord says this, Let my people go that they may serve me.
If you do not let them go, I will send swarms of flies on you and your servants and your people and in your houses and on
the ground.
But I will separate my people from your people and there will be no flies anywhere on my people or their stuff.
This will happen tomorrow so that you will know that I am the One who controls everything in the whole
The Lord God did this. Terrible swarms of flies filled the kings house and his servant’s houses and all the
land of Egypt, except not one was on God’s people.
Then the king called and said, Pray to God for me that the swarms of flies leave. I will let the people go.
The Lord took away all the flies, but the king tricked them and wouldn’t let the people go.