Paul and two of his friends wrote a letter to followers in the church of another city.


They said, God’s special amazing love and peace be on you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus.



We are always thanking God for you and talking to God about you.




We remember the work of your faith and your love that works so much to help others and how quiet you wait and hope for Jesus to come back.




God and Jesus see it all.




Know that God picked you out for Himself before he made everything.



And our words came into your hearts with big power and the Holy Spirit and you believed so strong.

You followed us and you followed the Lord in much trouble, but you were so happy in the Spirit and everyone else saw it and followed too, so that we don’t even have to tell the words.


They show us how you turned to God from the statues and bad ones, and now are for the living and true God.

Now you wait for the Son to come from heaven, the One that God raised up from being dead, and who saved us from the big spanking that is coming.




You know brothers that we didn’t come to you empty but full and to fill you up. We were very brave when we told you about Jesus.

We didn’t trick you but told you true. God trusted us to tell you so we want to make God happy and tell you. People don’t want us to tell you.




God tests our hearts to see what is in there.

We were gentle with you like little children and you were very special to us.

We did good with you and not tricky stuff. We want you to be all ready since Jesus made us good enough to be with God forever in His special shiny brightness.





We always thank God about you since you heard our words just like it was God talking to you.



We have the same troubles as other followers in other cities. They always kill the ones who tell God’s words to the people, that piles up lots of spankings for them.



We wanted to come see you, but the bad one stopped us.



You are our crown of big happiness when Jesus comes and our big happy shiny brightness.




When I couldn’t wait any more I sent Timmy to help you and build you up more in Jesus.

We don’t want you to be upset about trouble when it happens, because the bad ones do it to us, but God makes us stand stronger than them.





So don’t turn away from Jesus when bad stuff happens, just lean closer to Him.



I want to know how you are, and that you are still believing, and that the bad one didn’t trick you.



We thank God day and night and pray for you because you make us so happy. We ask God to let us come see you so we can build your faith in Jesus stronger.

So now God Himself lead us to you and make you bigger and more full of his special love for each other and for everyone.

We want God to set your hearts strong with nothing to blame on you and all clean and pure and set apart to God, our Father, at the time when Jesus comes back with all His special ones.

May you walk so that you please God more and more, set firm on His side. Stay away from bad stuff and keep control over your bad side, don’t let it do stuff.



Don’t want the bad stuff. Don’t cheat your brothers because God will get back for him. We tell you, so you won’t get a spanking.




God called us to do just the right and good stuff.






If you hate, you are not hating man, but you are hating God.




God Himself teaches you how to love each other and your love keeps getting bigger and bigger.


Learn and practice how to be quiet in your heart and do your own stuff and work with your hands so you will have enough for you and to help others who need stuff.

I want to tell you something so you will know it. It is about the ones who died already. I am telling you so you won’t be sad like the ones who don’t know Jesus and what He did for us.




We believe that Jesus died and got up again from being dead and that God will bring all the ones who already died with Jesus.

God told us to tell you ones who are still living in the world when Jesus comes back, that you still being alive won’t stop the ones who already died from coming back alive again.

Because Jesus Himself will come down from heaven with a shout, and the voice of the top angel, and the trumpet of God, and the dead ones in Jesus will get up first and then the ones still alive on the world will be lifted up off the world together with them into the clouds to meet Jesus in the middle of the sky and then always be with Him forever.



Help each other not be sad when someone dies by telling them that this is what is going to happen.