Say the best words to the Lord. Say them from the heavens and highest places.
Say the best words all you angels and all you armies of the heavens.
Praise Him O heaven above the heavens and waters above the heavens.
Let them say the highest words to the Lord because to make everything, He just said the words for them to be and then it happened.
He set them there forever and ever and will not change it.
Say the best words to the Lord from the earth, you dragons and all deep places:
fire, hail,
snow, fog and stormy winds doing what He says.
All mountains and hills, fruit trees and cedar trees.
All animals and insects and birds.
Say the best words to the Lord all the kings of the world, all people and princes and leaders and judges.
Young men and young ladies, old men and children, let them all praise the Lord because only He is the best of the best and the highest of the highest.
His shiny bright goodness is way, way higher than the earth and the heavens.
He lifts up the power of His people, the best of all His special ones, the children of Israel, the people close to Him.
All the best and highest words to Him.
Sing a new song of all the best words to the Lord, all you people of His.
Let Israel be happiest in the One who made them; let the children of the mountain of victory be full of joy in their King.
Let them say the best words and dance and play the harp and tambourine because the Lord is very happy about His people.
He will make them beautiful, saving them.
Let them be full of joy in His best high shiny brightness.
Let them sing real loud on their beds.
Let the high praises of the Lord be in their mouth and a two edged sword in their hand to win against the bad ones who turn away from the Lord.
They will be ready to chain up the bad kings and leaders and punish them.
This is the high good work of all God’s people. Best and highest words to the Lord.
Praise the Lord in His special safe house;
Praise Him in all the heavens of His power.
Say the highest words for all the strong things He has done; telling all the amazing specialness of His greatness.
Praise Him with the trumpet and harp and tambourine and dance and violins and guitars and organs and pianos.
Praise Him with loud cymbals and the highest chimes.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord.
You are invited.