It is good to say thank you to God and sing the highest and best words to His
It is good to show His great special love for us in the morning and how much He always stays with
us every night, on the harp with sounds that aren’t silly.
Because You, Lord, make me really happy by all the stuff that You do. I will jump for joy at all
the good stuff Your hands do.
Your work is so great and what You think is so deep. Mean or simple people don’t understand
They spring up like grass but will be taken away and gone into nothing
But You, O Lord, will always be the Most High One.
Your enemies will pass away into nothing and scattered all over.
But my power will be lifted up like the horn of a unicorn and freshness will always be on
The ones who follow You and do right will be like a tall, beautiful palm tree and grow like the
cedar trees.
The ones who stay strong with You at Your house will spread out all over in Your
They will make fat, tasty fruit even when they are old, to show that the Lord is right and no bad
thing is in Him.
The Lord reigns on high over everything everywhere.
His clothes have a beauty that doesn’t end.
The world also is set firm so that it won’t move.
God set His throne, His judgment chair from the longest time ago, from the first
The floods of peoples lift up their voices against the Lord like tall ocean
but the Lord on high is much stronger, yes, even stronger than the tallest and loudest crashing
waves of the oceans.
What the Lord says is the sure, right thing;
Your endless specialness is the beauty of Your house, O Lord, for always and