Happiest are the ones who walk Gods way, listening to only His words with their whole heart.
They don’t do bad things but are careful to walk His way.
They won’t be embarrassed but will hold His way high and learn how He wants everything done.
Do not leave me, O Lord, my whole heart looks for only You. Don’t let me wander away from Your path.
You are the happiest. I hide Your words in my heart so I won’t do any bad thing against You.
I think about what You say and it makes me happy.
Give me all Your best stuff and open my eyes to see all the amazing things about You.
You spank the puffed up ones that wander off Your path.
I love Your words more than piles of silver and gold.
Make me go on Your pathway because that tickles my heart.
Turn my eyes away from seeing empty things that aren’t from You.
Let Your special love come to me and save me. I lean on You.
When trouble came on me, Your word guarded my heart and was my soft place to rest.
I can’t believe how awful the bad ones are that won’t follow You.
Your words are the words my heart sings in the day.
I reach out to You with my whole heart and in the middle of the night I get up and sing to You.
I keep for my friends the ones who follow You.
Before trouble came to me I wandered off Your path, but now I guard and do Your words.
You are good and do good. The whole world is full of Your special love.
Your hands shaped and made me.
Let Your special love be my soft pillow to rest on.
The puffed up ones dig pits for me, but all that You tell us to do is what always works.
Forever, O Lord, Your word stays strong in heaven.
You always stay faithful with every family down through all the years.
You set the earth and it stays where You put it.
By Your words You make me live.
I think about Your words all day long, they are sweet to the taste of my heart.
You are invited.