I will give great speeches about You, my God, O King, and I will give my best happiness to You for ever and ever.

Great is the Lord, and greatly worthy of the best and highest love from our hearts and the best and highest words that we say.





His greatness is so high and wide and deep that it can’t be measured.

Each group of people in time will tell all Your works to the next group coming and all the strong things You have done.


I will tell about the bright shiny honor and glory of Your great bigness and all the wonderful things You do.

And men will tell of how awesome You are and the amazing things You have done, and I will tell how great You are.




They will tell on and on and on about Your great goodness and sing about how right You always are.





The Lord is very giving and full of soft, good thoughts for us.

It takes a really long time for Him to get mad and His special love for us goes on and on and on and never stops.





The Lord is always good to everyone, even the bad ones who turn against Him.




His tender, sweet love is over everything He does.



All You do says the best about You always, O Lord, and Your workers give their best happy thoughts and love to You.




They will tell of the amazing wonders of Your kingdom and talk of Your power that has no end.


They tell so that the sons of men will know about Your wonderful kingdom that is coming and its specialness that goes on forever.

Your kingdom has always been and will always be special, and Your rule over everything lasts through all the years of children and grandchildren in the world.






The Lord holds up







everyone who falls





and raises up the ones bent over with heavy loads.




The eyes of everyone look to You, and You give them their food when its time.





You open Your hand and fill up everything with goodness until everyone and every things is saying, Ahhhhhhh.




The Lord is right in His ways and high and special in all that He does.


The Lord is close by all that call out to Him, that call out to Him according to what He has told us.






He will give everything they want to the ones that honor Him.

He will hear their cries and save them from every trouble.



The Lord keeps alive forever the ones who love Him: but all the bad ones he will take away forever.


My mouth will always tell the wonderful things about the Lord and let everyone everywhere give the best happiness to His specialness forever and ever.